Thursday, 16 September 2010

Year 2 Day 351: On The Mend

Ryan was in much better spirits today. He slept on me last night on the sofa downstairs and although I didn't get proper sleep until after 6am, it was nice not having it interrupted by screams of him in his cot. Instead I was woken up to a soggy hand clenching my nose. When I opened my eyes I saw a wide open mouth with four little pearly whites grinning back at me.

He hasn't had any fever today and he seemed to be himself again playing with his toys and chasing the cat in the walker and screeching. I thought he might have been ready for a nap in afternoon, but when I tried to put him down he wasn't having it, so I brought him back downstairs and thought a little time in his Jumperoo might wear him out.

Now, normally when he is sleepy he will also be quite fussy...but this wasn't the case as I watched him bounce, bounce, bounce away. It wasn't until I looked up at one point and noticed him nodding off that I actually believed he was even tired!

His head would start to tilt and his eyes rolled back...but as soon as he would slump, his own body weight would shift the springs enough to bounce and he would then look up and start bouncing as if nothing had even happened! I watched for a good three minutes or so before he properly rest his head and went to sleep.

Then, I grabbed the camera, of course!

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