Friday, 3 June 2011

Y3 - 246/365: For ME?!

Ryan received a special parcel today in the post from his Great Aunt Lisa in America. He was lucky enough to chat with Aunt Lisa and his Great Nanny not too long ago on Skype and Aunt Lisa mentioned then that she had a gift she made that she was planning on sending. So, today when it arrived he discovered a really cool hooded-towel! It's nice and big and perfect for the beach or the bath!

As you can see in the photo...he loved it straightaway!

Here's a little video I took of him "opening" the envelope (with a little help, of course)...

A pretty lazy day was had, otherwise...

Picking flowers in the sunny garden...

Collecting stones on the porch while Mommy watered the flower boxes and checked for slugs and snails...

Ryan even shared his envelope...with Daddy's FACE when he got home from work. He decided to make a little game of 'Pee-po!' and would cover Daddy's face up before pulling it back off and laughing hysterically.

Good times.

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