Sunday, 11 July 2010

Year 2 Day 284: Making it Cottagey?

We FINALLY picked up my gorgeous hanging basket, once again put together by my mother-in-law, Josie! (Thanks, Josie!!) We wanted to make a good place to hang it and even after buying a special basket "arm" we ended up placing it on a nail under the over-hang for now.

I must say, it looks really pretty from inside, looking out the kitchen window. And as it turns out, I will be able to easily water it, unlike previously thought, since I have something to climb onto.

I tried taking some other pictures as soon as we got back tonight, but the flash on the camera just bleached the colours, so I will wait until I can get a better daytime pic.

Matt was pleased because he says it really makes our place "cottagey."

Is that a word?

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