Monday, 28 June 2010

Year 2 Day 271: ...Where The Green Grass Grows

Ryan and I spent the morning down in the garden listening to the birds and sounds of people over at the park, just past our back fence. We had the perfect little shady bit and luckily we were out in plenty of time before the heat and humidity kicked in.

I also used it as a sitting practise/photo shoot opportunity for his 6 month pictures. We're also planning on taking him in to Mothercare to Pixiefoto as we have a voucher for a free portrait.

Ryan also felt grass for the first time with his hands and feet. I had to be careful since he's quick to grab and gob. Matt caught him yesterday when trying to show him the apples coming in on the apple tree. Without warning he snatched a leaf off the branch and nearly shoved it down his throat. Not the kind of solids I'd like to encourage him to eat.

He's a slick one, our Ryan.

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