Friday, 28 May 2010

Year 2 Day 240: King of the Mountain

Maybe not a mountain, but definitely a big, big hill. By my insistent request, we finally went to Kinver Edge today. We were actually planning our outing to be at Clent Hills, but along the way traffic was rammed so we made a last minute decision to go to Kinver and save Clent for another beautiful day like today.

Kinver Edge was one of the places that Matt brought me when I visited him in England for the first time back in 2006. I fell in love with it then and during our time apart, before I moved here two years later, I would look back at photos and it was always the ones of Kinver that would pull at my heart and make me miss it here even more. In fact, I've been begging to go back and visit since I moved here permanently, but we just haven't had the chance and the weather wouldn't always cooperate.

Kinver Edge isn't exactly push-chair friendly, so Ryan got a ride with me in the Moby. With him gaining weight like he is, I suspect I will need to switch to a woven wrap soon so I can do a "rucksack" carry with him on my back instead -- Mobys tend to stretch a bit as you wear them since they're made of jersey fabric. Plus, some wovens are more lightweight for warmer weather.

We really struck it rich weather-wise today as well with some gorgeous blue skies. In fact, the pictures of the vast countryside you see here don't even do Kinver Edge the justice it deserves. I even swore in some places you could see the silhouette of the mountains along the Welsh border.

I miss Wales, too...but that's another trip...and another blog.

On the way back down to the car park I wanted something to remember the visit by for Ryan. We realise he is only little and he won't remember having visited this place when he was only five months old, so I suggested we pick an interesting rock from every significant place we visit and then write the date and location on the rock. That way, Ryan will always have something along with LOADS of photos to remember it by.

We're really crossing our fingers now that all this fresh air and sunshine will benefit Ryan in his sleep tonight!

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