Monday, 8 August 2011

Y3 - 312/365: Unsure of Sure Start

There was a cooking session at our local Sure Start today for 1-5's so I decided to take Ryan and see what was on. It turned out to be bits of fruit that we could cut up and put on a skewer to dip in a chocolate fountain. Hmm...that's not 'cooking.'

Another option was to mash a biscuit into a cup and add plain yoghurt and fruit.

Ryan was more interested in eating the sliced fruit before it even got to the skewer, and then wanted nothing to do with it once we dipped it in chocolate. Plus, he tried some of his yoghurt with the GIANT spoon they provided and after two bites he just wasn't interested.

We moved on to the pancakes. Pre-packaged...hmm. And the only option there...yep...fruit, yoghurt, chocolate. He had a couple mouthfuls and then just wanted to go play -- but he wasn't allowed because it wasn't a play session, so everything was put away. It didn't stop other children from going off to do as they pleased...nor did it stop the other mom's from ignoring them while they had a nice chin-wag with one another. The Sure Start workers were clearly agitated from having to shoo the children away from the dress-up area over and over again.


Really healthy "cooking" session, Sure Start.

I think we will be skipping the next one and for now stick to our own "cooking" at home.

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