Saturday, 29 May 2010

Year 2 Day 241: Three in the Bed & the Little One Said...

Well, there were three in the bed this morning -- until I got out to take the photo. Ryan has been waking more frequently throughout the night and wee hours of morning and we think it has a lot to do with teething and a very stuffy nose. Rather than lie in bed and wait for him to wake me yet again (a feeling I can only imagine is quite similar to Chinese Water Torture), I simply brought him back to bed with me at 6am for a little lie-in with Mommy and Daddy. I only decided to take the photo after noticing that Ryan was stroking Matt's cheek in his sleep.

Okay, maybe that was his "pretend" sleep, but still quite endearing nonetheless.

We all ended up in bed for quite some time this morning and our only plans for the late afternoon and evening were to do what we usually do on a Saturday -- visit Em, Daz & Amy.

Ryan even got to have a go in his cousin's walker. Granted, he can only "walk" backwards so far, but it was cute to see him try. To be fair, I think he was a lot more intrigued by the toys on the walker than the purpose for which it was meant.

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