I received two lovely knit jumpers
(sweaters, for those in the US) for Christmas. One long greenish-blue one with a waist tie, which I am wearing now, and one gray one -- in the photo. I love them both LOADS and when I was trying them on, Matt noticed that the gray one had a hole in the bottom at the front. I was gutted because I especially liked the diagonal knit across the front and I was worried I may not be able to find the same one in the same size.
We ended up getting the receipt from Josie and heading down to
Matalan to see if they had more so I could exchange for one without any noticeable blemishes. We stop at the returns counter and then head back into the knitwear to search for the matching jumpers. We found another gray one in the same size and without anything wrong on the front. When I looked at the
price tag, I realized it was half the price of the original purchase. Also, next to the gray ones were brown ones of the same design and size.
*insert wheels in head turning right now with outcome of very bright idea*'HARK!' I said to myself.
'Why don't I RETURN the gray jumper and re-purchase another gray one AND a brown one as well?' I point this out to Matt and he agrees with my bright idea, like smart husbands do. In fact, we teamed up and used our "spouse power," which meant Matt went to get the refund and I hovered over the jumpers like a vicious vulture so no one would take the ones I wanted while I further inspected that I had the right ones.
So, now I sit in the front room, a chuffed little American with her two new jumpers for the price of one. OH! And 30p change in my pocket as well -- Thank You, reduced VAT!!
I ROCKED at shopping today! Go me!
jumpers! They look so warm, which is what I now base all clothing purchases on. :) Gonna head out to the shops again today to see if I can score some deals. Well done!
Great deal! They are very pretty.
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