Thursday, 11 December 2008

Day 72 of 365: Ode to Brown Sauce

Yes, I know, I take some pretty random pictures. I assure you this one is for a valid reason. Someone recently asked me what brown sauce was -- this in response to a previous post where I mentioned having brown sauce on my cheese on toast. So consider this a bit of education for those who are not yet aficionados.

Basically, brown sauce is a condiment which can be used on a variety of foods to add an extra "kick." It shouldn't be confused with steak sauce like A1, but it can be used on meat - like bacon and sausages when on a sandwich, or on chips (fries), potatoes, or beans.

I've learned that brown sauce has a wide range of ingredients in it like vinegar, tomato paste, orange juice concentrate, dates, garlic, and mustard powder. It sounds a bit odd and possibly like it wouldn't taste any good. Let me assure you it has the BEST and MOST YUMMY sweet/spicy/tangy combination and since my first taste during my 2006 "British Invasion." From that first moment, I have been irrevocably in love!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the brown sauce mystery. The name sounds a bit odd, doesn't it? I definitely don't think that the name was dreamt up my some big time Marketeers, because surely they would have come up with a more suave and attractive name for it?
Brown sauce... the name is a simple explanation!

Christine (Rainy Day Reads) said...

Not a huge fan of brown sauce, however when we are out of ketchup it is okay with chips. But it is no replacement for my A1 sauce when it comes to meat.

Unknown said...

I have use it sparingly. It is very British food is now made on the Continent of Europe.

Anonymous said...

Meg, I must agree....I fell in LOVE with brown sauce and I can't wait to have some when I move back. I might even ask my fiance to bring some over for the wedding.
