For the first time in seven years I now own a piece of technological equipment that transcends anything else I have ever owned before! It arrived this morning via the friendly Royal Mail postman who followed my post-it instructions to knock loudly as the flat was upstairs. Say hello to my beautiful T-Mobile G1. I've heard mixed reviews, but I wanted to see for myself...and today I fell in love.

So, previously I had worry that I would not have
internet access in the new flat until the end of the month. That concern is now in the past because I have UNLIMITED
internet on my new fancy
schmancy G1 as well as UNLIMITED texts! The fact that I don't have many people here in the UK to text is another story, but I'm just pleased with it's performance so far. It has functioning
Bluetooth, GPS, and lots of little applications that I can download for free. I can even watch movies and
tv shows on it if I want.
I may be voicing my praise prematurely, but I am completely
twitterpated with this phone!