Sunday, 8 April 2012

Y4 - 191/365: Easter 2012

Since it's Ryan's first proper Easter I have been trying my best to plan for him to have something to wake up to on Easter morning. I have hit up the pound shops for some colouring books, paintbrushes and a Mickey Mouse mug and then he had some plastic eggs filled with small biscuits and chocolatey treats. In addition to this he's had a chocolate egg off Aunty Em & Uncle Daz, Grandad Mick and Mommy & Daddy. Mind you, this was just in the morning before our visit to Nana & Grandad's where he had more choccy goodness waiting.

It was starting to go a bit dark before we realised he hadn't done a proper egg hunt in the garden. The rain throughout the day put a literal damper on our plans so as soon as it was dry enough we took the chance.

He had an absolute ball shouting, "I found another one," before placing it in his plastic bucket.

We saved all the hunted eggs to divvy out to him over some time because we'd be insane to let him eat it all at once. Plus, we can pretty much count on Mommy and Daddy snacking on a bit of it as well to help diminish the supply.

Perhaps next year we will have better luck with the weather and maybe even find an event to meet the actual Easter bunny!

Happy Easter, everyone!!

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