Thursday, 12 November 2009

Year 2 Day 43: All In A Day's Work

Most of my day was spent behind this very door educating the youth of Great Britain -- or at least the small portion of Tipton, UK. The school itself is quite new -- just built in 2008 and the facilities alone are spotless and impeccable...quite impressive, if I do say so myself. (This is the school where the children get massages after morning break...yeah, that one. Jealous.) You wouldn't honestly think you were walking into a place of learning when your feet pass the threshold of the auto-sliding-glass door and step into the colourful lobby/lounge.

The day was pretty typical...a numeracy, phonics and literacy lesson in the morning and an afternoon with two topic sessions -- one involved identifying what was necessary in creating a persuasive pamphlet and the other to do with the features of a shift-style dress from the 1960s. The best part was that the teacher who had left the work had it so organised that she has a 'supply teacher folder' on the PC with all the slides for the SmartBoard that go to each lesson. Fantastic idea!!

::subconsciously 'steals' said idea...just as any teacher would::

Hubby was also pretty busy today. He had a delivery for work all the way in Devon -- nearly 450 miles round-trip to the southern part of England and back. I might have had the opportunity to travel with him in the lorry, but when he accepted the assignment last night he thought my supply post was for Friday instead of today. I was gutted that I had to stay behind, but I'm not exactly going to cancel supply work when it hasn't been in huge demand lately.

Now we're both home and shattered beyond belief -- him from being on the road all day in a 7.5 tonne wagon and me from being on my feet and trying to stimulate young minds into intelligent debate over who is more educated...Jeremy Kyle or Dr. Phil.

Don't be fooled, it got quite heated.

We've since had our gourmet dinner of egg on toast (don't hate) and I'm about to turn in while my love feeds his Call of Duty addiction. Until tomorrow, folks!

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