Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Day 295 of 365: No More!!

No more pack-mule, that is!! I can put these bags away for the next six weeks at least as today was THE last day (for teachers). Since I won't be returning I'll likely go back to supply, which is okay with me. The flexibility is nice. final gift I was instructed to open when I returned home...and it is SO very true!

Slow week so far. A false alarm with the arrival of our new niece, but all being well we should be able to welcome her to the world by the week's end. I have my 20-week scan tomorrow at 4pm as well and Matt and I couldn't be more excited!

Any guesses if it will be team pink or team blue?

1 comment:

sevans said...

Go team blue! Although a little girl would be nice, too.