Monday, 5 January 2009

Day 97 of 365: Foxy!!

Matt got a text from Daz this morning just before 7 telling him to look out the window. He woke me up and we both peered through the bedroom window to see a smooth, white blanket of freshly-fallen snow!! I decided then that I would go for a walk later to get a nice photo of the first proper snow since I have arrived.

I went down into Wordsley shortly after 2pm and on the return I noticed a ginger-coloured animal on someone's gated drive. At first I thought it was a big cat, but then I realized a cat wouldn't stand so tall, and it certainly couldn't be a dog. Upon closer review I determined it was a fox! Just mooching in broad daylight - squeee! So I whip out my camera just in time for him to snub me and walk away.

So I did what any AmiNal-crazed amateur photographer would do.

I followed it until he stopped to glare at me from another drive. Apparently he's not too used to crazy American animal paparazzi. He managed to avert me, however, by jumping through the hedge to the next drive.


Christine (Rainy Day Reads) said...

I think you must live next to some zoo that has a security issue! LOL

The New Mrs. C said...

I think you're secretly Snow White and you're not telling anyone. :p

Elynor said...

How fabulous! Gorgeous pics, too. I'm jealous of both the snow and the fox!

Anonymous said...

cue the Hendrix

Meg said...

Haha...that's the song I kept singing as I was typing the blog! Matt kept telling me I was mad!

I did want to take the little guy home though, he was so cute and fluffy! Although, he may object to that description.

Helen said...

He's gorgeous! And probably very hungry too, the poor mite.