Oh the JOY a new video game brings to a household...
Em & Daz have now acquired 'Beijing 2008 Olympics' for the Xbox. Inappropriate comments were made and fun was had by all as both controllers were pulverized by vigorously moving palms to gain maximum speed/distance/strength. In fact, I think Matt even got a blister! Em and I then disappeared upstairs for a bit to watch the trailer for Twilight and some Stephen Lynch on YouTube while the guys brought out the heavy artillery on Ghost Recon.
Oh, and check THIS out...
They're here!! We were supposed to be picking them up from the jeweler on Tuesday this week, but they called yesterday to say they were in early. The problem we ran into was getting to Merry Hill and into H. Samuel just before 7pm, but they had already closed the till and said we would have to come back today. I would show them to you, but I would rather keep everyone in suspense until Saturday. Only 6 more days now!! Squeee!!
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