I cannot begin to express my frustration with this system. For one, we moved at the end of June and have been living here just over a month now. Initially when we planned on doing a redirection with our postal service we couldn't because the debit card I was using to pay
(yes, it's not free here...more like £7.95/month) was not connected to either address as I had not had it properly changed (in branch) from the first address where we lived in
Kingswinford. As a result
(and for "convenience") we were sent via e-mail a
pre-completed form with which to take TO the post office by hand.
Sounds simple, right?
We naturally forget to do this for weeks on end and when we finally remember and take the form in, not only do they say it's not the proper form
(something about not having enough room to input their information...which I believe to be a cop-out for the person not wanting to write in the tiny fields the form leaves you with), but we were also informed we didn't have proper identification.
(Passport and two utility bills from the previous address)Sorry folks, but in America
(yeah, I went there) you fill in a
stinkin form with your old and new address, mail it in, and your mail gets redirected...for FREE!
I won't even go into how irritated I was to read that I had to fill the new form out with the EXACT info as the printed e-mail version...but in BLOCK CAPITALS and BLACK INK ONLY.
Christ on a cracker...would you like the cord blood from our first born as well?
Sorry...I'm done now.
Looking forward to my mail being redirected for the next month soon.